We have published our workplan for June 2022 - March 2023 highlighting our key objectives and priorities which will be delivered as part of our core statutory duties.

Since June 2022, there is a new team and provider for Healthwatch Reading, in place.
These changes came about as a result of the contract being awarded to The Advocacy People who now host Healthwatch Reading. The team is led by Alice Kunjappy-Clifton, Lead Officer.
Our work in the first few months has been focused on: getting a team of staff and volunteers
in place; making Healthwatch Reading visible to local residents; and further developing our understanding of the health and social care issues local people are facing.
The workplan for the new team has 6 priorities:
Recruitment of volunteers
Maternal mental health
Asylum seekers
Building Berkshire Together
Jointly plan and present a session on self-neglect to the local voluntary sector with the West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Board VCS sub-group
Review the reports undertaken by the previous Healthwatch Reading team and provider and plan follow-up as appropriate
Click below to read the full workplan.