Report by Reading Voice
We carried out 20 interviews of people who had been visited at home after a fall or failing health.

This report was commissioned by Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to get independently collected feedback about its Berkshire West Urgent Community Response (UCR) service. UCR is requested by GPs, 111 and other services to ensure the person is seen at home within two hours or two days to potentially avoid going into hospital.
Key findings:
Response times from the first request for help varied from under 2 hours to within a week
People weren’t sure what to expect of UCR before the visit
People’s understanding of the name of the service varied, including ‘rapid response’, ‘older services’ and ‘intermediate care’
People and relatives felt the care provided was very good, from kind and caring staff
Interventions included explanations, equipment, exercises and checks
Some people didn’t remember the visit (possibly because of dementia)
Some people or relatives didn’t know what was going to happen when UCR support ended
For the full report click below.